When you are suffering from ankylosing spondylitis (AS), it is essential to make an appointment with a rheumatologist, but choosing the best Rheumatologist is one of the personal decisions you make good health of your joints, tendons, bones, and muscles. Take the following things into consideration when finding the Rheumatologist specialist near you: Check the Rheumatologist's Credentials Rheumatologists are certified specialists in internal medicine and the rheumatology field. So, check the Rheumatologist's certification to ensure that the doctor has the needed training, skills, and experience. Also, confirm there is no history of malpractice claims or disciplinary actions against the doctor. You can look for the best Rheumatologist's medical clinic and training hospital near you. Consider the Rheumatologist's Experience When you're facing vague rheumatic conditions, consulting an experienced doctor is necessary. The more experienced the Rhe...