Methadone Maintenance Treatment – A Community Planning Guide

Follow my blog with Bloglovin Methadone is like heroin or opium and it is considered an opioid. It is essentially a drug, and to get over it, methadone maintenance treatment is used. A patient who is dependent on an opioid is supposed to take a daily dose of methadone in the form of a liquid or pill. The daily intake of methadone helps reduce the cravings and withdrawal symptoms of not consuming opioids. If you are looking for an addiction centre, you should consider a M ethadone Treatment in Etobicoke to start with the process. Methadone is highly addictive but taking methadone is not the same as consuming heroin. Consuming methadone under medical supervision is a better idea than taking heroin of unknown purity and combination. Methadone is usually taken orally compared to heroin that is injected. Consuming heroin can lead to HIV transmission when needles and syringes are shared. Heroin addicts are entirely dependen...